5/24/2018 Fast Fit has helped hundreds and hundreds of happy clients lose inches and pounds of pure fat.
When people don't follow the program, they don't have results. Period.
Visit fastfitbodysculpting.com to see real results and video testimonials.
We also have a Facebook page-- Fast Ft Body Sculpting of Las Vegas. We post new stories several times a week!
The owners are very busy traveling to the different locations and we have more locations opening in 2018!
This is a response from Fast Fit Body Sculpting to my Honest account of events dealing with FFBS and Doug. Here is my rebuttal: In all my reviews I never said that I hadn't seen the many men and women who were satisfied with their results up on your board. I was very impressed and had hope that I would make the board some day. I know the program can work, just needed help figuring out why it didn't work for me. The notion that I hadn't followed the program is preposterous. I had two one on one meetings with Doug who said he was determined to figure out why I wasn't loosing anything after 10 sessions. We went over my diet, which is a Paleo Diet (no dairy, soy, sugar, gluten, or preservatives + only organic) He suggested that I take a protein powder each morning and said I should stop my gym exercise and simply walk 2 Hours after each session. I followed his plan Exactly and it still didn't work. But most of all it was the dismissive attitude of Doug that made this entire ordeal so frustrating. I know I am not alone there are at least 6 women who took the time to voice their frustrations about the same issue I was having with Doug. I can only wonder how many more haven't. Those issues were that once they questioned their results Doug became evasive and stopped returning any texts, emails, or phone calls. So, while the program does work for the majority of people there are people who do not obtain the results in the required amount of time and those people matter or at least they should matter to FFBS. Instead of making excuses for their 1 or 2 star reviews they should be trying to figure out how to do better. We all can't be liars if we all tell the same story. #shameonyouFFBS