Do NOT stay here.
The only good point: We got one of the corner suites and it was lovely. Curtains are push bottom. Bathrobes in the room. Bathtub has it's own self-cleaning thing which is nifty. Internet works better than many hotels on the strip. The view is fun. Very quiet at all hours.
Lots of bad points: The self parking area is miles from the hotel lobby. You have to walk up and down, ride escalators and elevators plus drag your luggage through the casino. Not at all an easy or enjoyable trek. When you check in, they tell you about the easier route. This is done to force guests to go by every business in the place hoping you will stop and spend money.
The tv remote is klunky and slow to respond. Annoying to try to watch anything.
The hotel is constantly trying to hustle you. At the bar, in the gym and in the casino. People are creepy sweet and friendly but you know it's a racket. If you sit at the bar and play on the machine, they
give you a big line about joining their stupid 'Mlife' rewards program. Just comp my drink if I play on your machine and leave me alone!
If you pickup anything in the minibar and don't return it immediately, you are charged for the item-and charged a lot! We looked at a few things and ended up with a $ 45.00 'Refreshment Fee'. The whole setup is on a weight thing so it tells the hotel you used something when you didn't. Can not imagine how many people get stuck with these fees because they they don't catch it on the bill. I had to go to the front desk to get it removed. What a pain!
I could go on and on. There were so many things I disliked about this hotel.
Let me sum it up by saying I would never, ever, stay here again.