I wish I could give a zero. We had a horrible experience at this hospital with my dad. My dad was admitted with what we were told by hospice was a catheter blockage. Upon arrival, my dad was vomiting into a bucket. The nasty bucket was left in the room the entirety of our stay and was continuously used every time he was sick. He laid in sheets covered in vomit for over two hours. The nurses seemed clueless on how to look at a catheter and spent 4 hours trying to extract urine which clearly wasn't there. We requested a blood test to rule out kidney failure. NEVER DONE! My dad was begging for ice chips. NEVER BROUGHT THEM! He was literally begging for help. A bag of IV fluids was brought in when we arrived and laid by the sink and was never administered. The sink was full of medical supplies. Sadly, without warning, my dads heart rate dropped. The nurse spoke in full volume, right in front of my dad, and discussed that he was dying and that the fluids weren't working (still laying on the sink btw.) My dad was visibly shaken. He then discussed FULL VOLUME about whether my mom wanted to grant his wishes and continue with the DNR. My dad was clearly in kidney failure (never mentioned at the hospital.) We figured this out after. If they had done the test we asked for, we would have had the opportunity to take him home to be with his family. He was dying..... The nurses had no sensitivity at all. They would talk loudly about all that was occurring while we were trying to spend our final moments with my dad. My husband drove as quickly as possible to get my children there to say goodbye to their pawpaw and they were denied entry. I didn't know they arrived until it was too late..... Unforgivable. The nurse practitioner in charge left the room after my dad died and immediately started hysterically laughing with his fellow nurses. My dad would have died that night regardless, but he should have been home, in his bed, comfortable with his family. That was denied him because they didn't do the test we asked them to do.