NO JAPANESE CHEFS HERE AT THIS TERRIBLE JAPANESE NOODLE SHOP!!! The OPEN KITCHEN consists of 4 Hispanic Cooks. YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO STOLEN HERE! See photo how they leave your Credit Card receipts WITH YOUR SIGNATURE ON IT right by the front door for any undesirables to steal. NO ONE THAT WORKS THERE SPEAKS JAPANESE. Mostly Spanish and Vietnamese; tryinging to force diners out half way done with their meal so they can turn tables and the waitresses speaks and acts as if everyone in the world owes them money. FOOD IS HORRIBLE (Frozen then de-frosted smell)!!! SERVICE IS THE WORST!!!!! Zero clue why this place was rated any good. Maybe it was good in the past with the previous owner but DEFINITELY TERRIBLE now (February 2017)! Very, Very Perturbed and Very, Very Disappointed!