Worst salon I've ever stepped foot into. This place is all smoke and mirrors. The employees have absolutely NO idea what they are doing. JILL had the pleasure of totally screwing up my hair & talking down to me after the fact. It was an absolute disaster... I cried after my appointment AND after my appointment to get it "fixed" - which I had to pay normal price for even though she admitted it wasn't correct. I had such a bad experience that I even took the time to call the Board of Cosmetology in Arizona.
The managers were so unprofessional and would not refund me my money.. Instead she gave me a coupon for a deep condition.... Why in the world would I ever want to go back to a salon for anything after such a BOCHED hair job?!
TOTAL RIP OFF. I wish I could warn everyone in Arizona how bad this place treated me & the others I know who have gone here......