| - If you want to get a feel for things - I mean really get a feel for the vibe of a place - check out the flea market. No upscale arena here. This is where everyone cleans out the closet, packs all their crap into the back of the pickup and sets up shop for the weekend.
Also note that when I say the back of the pickup, I am not talking about one of those forty-five thousand dollar jobs that you see lining the lots of the NASCAR hall of fame car dealerships. No, these babies collectively were probably not worth that much when they were new, and that was half a century ago. Now that they are pushing into antique territory, they might be appreciating in value if you were unable to see through the floorboards.
Meanwhile, the boxes are unpacked, lined along rickety tables in a huge lot, and everyone swaps stuff. Or at least talks about it. I really cannot say if anything is sold here, because each week it looks like the same stuff on the tables. Maybe someone buys, someone sells and the merchandise merely moves from one table to the next.
The real star here is the food. Since the Sweet Union has been basically taken over by a hispanic contingent, you will find all manner of treats: Fresh churros, plantain chips, tacos, tamales, and all manner of goodies - many from food trucks that you are hard-pressed to find elsewhere. You could even buy livestock and set up yourself next week (permits may be required, your mileage may vary). My personal suggestion? Try the churros if nothing else. Mmm...