| - I get apprehensive about having my hair cut. I have a lot of thick hair, and not everyone can cut it well. I find myself holding my breath and clenching my hands as it's cut, and I have to tell myself to not look nervous. More often than not, I dislike my haircut at first because the stylist styles it differently than I normally do, but I really liked my hair when I left Min's today. That's saying a lot!
I've only been in the 'burgh for just over a month, so I'm really excited to have found a place to get my hair cut!
I made an appointment in the morning and came in in the afternoon. Over the hour that I was there, she received one phone call and two walk-in inquiries. I commented that she was popular; she said the clients tell her that, but no, she just does her work. Cute!
Min was really thorough in her work. I brought a picture w/me, which helped. I was a little concerned that she said she was going to make my hair "more beautiful" than the picture, and I didn't always understand her English, but I'm pleased with the end result. I will gladly pay $35 (the price for medium length hair) for a great haircut!