These guys are definitely some con artists. I am a grower myself. I went in here looking for certain types of light bulbs. The guy manning the counter kept lying to me in an effort to get me to buy the overpriced CRAP they were selling.
I asked him if they had LED lights and he had the nerve to say LEDs were crap... really dude? Cause I'm using LEDs right now and I'd say they're the best bulbs I've ever used. This guy was only saying that about LED lights because he wanted me to buy this super duper OVERPRICED high pressure lights he was selling.
They also sell liquid fertilizers like FoxForest and Advanced Nutrients products and even those are marked up like crazy.
Just to show you how much of a JOKE this guy was, I went to Big Lots RIGHT DOWN THE STREET and THEY had full spectrum (daylight) LED bulbs and CFL bulbs... I am using them right now and they work WONDERFULLY... and they were only $30 for the LED lamps and $2 each for the CFLs.... but this hydro store was trying to sell me HID (high pressure) HPS grow lights for $150 - $2000 SMDH
Plus, I would ask this guy if he had certain products and he said no... then I walk around the store a bit and the product WAS there... just way overpriced... so this guy isn't even familiar with what products he does or doesn't have in this little store
My advice to EVERYONE reading this is to go to Amazon or Ebay for your liquid fertilizers ... and go to Star Nursery (further west on Blue Diamond) for any type of dry ferts cause these guys are rip-offs