This is the best Asian food store in town. It's a true Asian supermarket.
They've got produce out the ying yang (like that? you do), a whole aisle of tea, a sizable selection of sake, a lot of toasted seaweed (single serving as well as Costco-ish sizes), spices broken down by region of origin, baked goods by the registers, and even a little cafe setup in the back right corner of the store selling Korean food.
Here's why my review isn't 5 stars: they don't carry tempeh! Um, hello? Tempeh is a soy product from Indonesia - only the largest and most populous country in Southeast ASIA. As per most Asian supermarkets, cleanliness doesn't seem to be a top priority. I've seen spillage of broken product left on the floor for an entire duration of my visit - twice. Sometimes you have to really sift through the fruit to find non-spoiled or thisclose to being rotten.