| - I can only give a review of my experience and from the reviews so far, it seems this place is either just fine, or terrible. Quick summary of the latter: (scroll down for add. details)
They bait and switched me twice. I left work early on the second time with the call stating they had a specific deal, then they "Forgot" what the deal was and offered me a higher payment than the first time. These guys either don't understand basic math or pretend that they don't to trick you into paying more. Go ahead and keep reading if you are interested...
Set an appointment, salesman was late. They are busy...I can deal.
Hard time finding the keys to the right car, about 30 minutes waiting. I can deal.
We took the car for a test drive. Car was out of gas. I can deal.
Car battery was dead. Walked back to the dealership. Wasn't too far, I can deal.
Took the car out again, everything was fine, got back and waited another 20 minutes for the salesman to get the info together. I can deal.
I told the salesman my expectations the entire time. Over the phone, at the dealership, while driving...I have a trade in worth 5k, needed to get 4700 for it. I have good credit and the cash for the down payment. I want a payment of 300. Perfect buyer, just give me the deal and paperwork.
Salesman hands me a deal for the sticker price and payment of around 350. No deal.
Salesman goes away, comes back with trade in offer of 3k. 1700 negative equity. No deal.
Salesman goes away, comes back with manager who offers a payment of 345. No deal.
Goes away, comes back with a payment of 319. Close, but no deal. I tell them I'm done for the day and they can call me. I leave them a voicemail explaining I need 4700 for my trade in with the deal and I'll come sign.
Get a call three days later. End of the month. We have agreed to your offer, we will pay the 4700 for your trade in. Come on down.
I leave early from work, pick up my wife and go down to the dealership. Manager "forgets" the deal they offered three days ago. Offers me a payment of 345.
I CANNOT DEAL. I explain how I remember every figure of the deal. I work for a bank and that is my living. I told them they offered 20400 for the car and 319 payment. Now its 22000 and a 345 payment. Manager plays dumb like he's never seen that kind of deal before. He treated me like I was robbing them...they are losing money on the deal...blah blah...
Goodbye Mark Kia. You have bait-switched me twice and I'm done. I will be leaving this review on every site available and filing a formal complaint with whoever will listen.
If anyone is interested, the manager's name was "Blake" and he effectively lost a customer for Mark Kia.