This is the nicest dump I've ever stayed in, and I've been forced to stay in some dumps in my day: like the Gold Coast in the '80s.
The decor is dated, not in a retro-chic way but more a Salvation Army thrift store way. Frequent guests will bring their own sheets and pillows.
The 'free breakfast' will get you exactly the value you pay for: weak coffee, thin OJ, extra-thin bagel or mini-muffin plus some tired fruit. Served 6am-9am ONLY; the door will be locked promptly at 9 so come early as no amount of pleading with the cleaning woman will get you an untoasted bagel or a cup of the coffee she is about to dump.
Oh, and one last thing: ask for room 364. It offers adequate WiFi and a lovely view of the parking lot, plus the phone doesn't work (no disturbing late-night calls) and you'll enjoy the soothing sounds of a waterfall (the bathroom ceiling drips all night long if 464 showers in the evening)!
Would be but a one-star, except for $199 per week, I got what I paid for. Oh and the sunset view across the parking lot isn't bad!