If you are looking for the best ribs and corn muffins this is the place. I think their ideal target market might be groups of 2-4 men, who probably have a tattoo somewhere, wear dark clothing, maybe a dark flannel shirt, and black jeans, leather shoes. Taller chairs, loud music, classic rock. Alternatively for whomever wearing whatever, but count on a teeny tiny bit of attitude if you don't fit their ideal target market. But I feel "screw that" and be happy eating the ribs and corn muffins and taking in the vibe anyway :)
It is very, very, very tasty.
Hands down the best ribs and best corn muffins I have ever had. Kudos to the chef! And great music choices. Will be here again. In darker clothing next time :D #ribs #cornmuffin #bikervibe #queenstwest