| - The (former) Blue Chalk Club has been reintroduced as a sportsbar/ music nightclub called Scatz.
They still have a handful of billiard tables. So if you were one of the very few that patronized the Blue Chalk Club before it went tits up, you can still find a game. Although, considering these are cheap coin-op tables, I'm guessing all of the top-of-the-line tables that the Blue Chalk Club was known for have been replaced.
Scatz is a huge place, with multiple bars throughout and flat panel TVs everywhere. As well as a stage upstairs and a dance floor on the main level.
Although, it's not anything particularly unique or ground-breaking it's still a decent place to hang out on the far west side.
The one headache I encountered was it's location. Accessing the Scatz parking lot is a pain in the a$$ as it's tucked behind two large hotels that tend to obscure the entrance. Also, each parking lot is separate, so if you accidentally pull into one of the hotel's lots, you need to get back into traffic and try again. Not a big deal, but annoying nonetheless.
Apparently my first impression was WAY off the mark. So sorry if I mislead anyone. I'm down-rating this stain on my soul from 3 stars to just 1, because I can't give it zero.
This place is full of self-important scumbags and their vapid skanks. What with their over-priced couture clothing, collagen-injected faces, silicone-augmented breasts and vacant stares, it's a miracle they're able to function as adults day-to-day. Scatz is Middleton's meat market for anyone that can't walk past a mirror without posing. No matter their age, the patrons here are freak shows.
Oh, and guys, beware of the border-line schizophrenic "bunny boiler" of a cougar that frequents this watering hole. (Anyone who's seen Basic Instinct knows what I'm talking about.)
Scatz? Not again, never.