I strongly recommend not to use this company. I was lied to when I signed up for their service. I was told my move from California to Texas would take an estimated 14 days. I asked over and over I would like it before the holidays and I was told over and over it would be there. 2 months later I finally received my home. As long as it doesn't take more than 21 business days they are safe per contract. Weekends and holidays do not count. After the 3rd week I was told different stories why my packages have not arrived. From a delay of the truck, lost in storage, they didn't know where and they all promised to call me back with updates. Sadly, I feel for it again and no one called me back. 1 month later I called back and I was told to "stop calling and you will get your SH*T as soon as possible!" I got disconnected. Very very rude and very very unprofessional. I called back to complain on the rep and amazingly she claimed to be the supervisor. I told her I really want to get a better time line so I can make sure I'm home to accept. She said she same thing again and this time said the truck driver would call us when he is 2-3 days away. Well a week later on the 21st business day the driver called and said he was an hour away. I left work early to come home to broken furniture. The driver informed me to make a claim. The claim department only pays 20 cents per estimated pound of the damaged good. I called and emailed pictures and no reply. I am done with that company. They are also affiliated with Assurance Van Line.