Rae Images recently took part in an event with Accrue Partners. As apart of the event, Rae Images conducted photography for LinkedIn photos. A group of friends and I participated in the event and we enjoyed the lunch time break. Honestly, I did not have high hopes for my photo...not because of the photographer but because I felt "no so dolled up" for a photo, you get what I am saying? It was just one of those days BUT once I received the headshot photo a few weeks later via email, I was pleasantly surprised! My "not so dolled up" look didn't look so bad--I am thinking its the magic of Rae Images. I changed my LinkedIn photo the same day. In addition, I looked up th Rae Images website and saw some of their great work. The photos on the site look polished and sophisticated. In addition, at the Accrue Partners event the photography crew (of two) very professional, took their time with each person and the final product reflects their hard work.