I am not a mall person to begin with so that already shows where I am coming from. They do have a ton of high end retailers and because of this I find myself going there more often then I would like. There is always parking. It may not be outside of the store that you would like especially if there is an event at Symphony park but there will always be a place to park to get into the mall. From there, you are pretty much going to get lost. This mall has to be the most confusing design of any mall I have ever been in. I am sure for those who frequent it, it may make sense but for me, I can never figure out how to park near the store that I want to go to unless it is one of the anchor stores. So usually I park at one of the anchor stores knowing when I get lost it will be the easiest way to find my way. Then I find myself wondering around sometimes going in one store and out another side that brings be to a section of the mall where I didn't start. I dont know that there is a logical path that you could go that would take you to each store but I think about it long and hard every time I go. I wonder if people shop here regularly have a route that they could share with us that are more direction-ally challenged and need advise - Yes, I have checked yelp and so far it does not see like anyone has a secret map to follow. But my recommendation would be to keep checking back for one.