Let me tell you guys about what Verizon did to me. Before i ordered my iPhone X i confirmed with 2 different 611 agents(Verizon's customer service) what my bill was going to be. After not 1 but 2 agents promised me my bill would go up 10 extra dollars i went ahead and placed my order with Andrew Placide. One month later my bill arrives and everything i was told goes out the door. My bill now will be $40 over what my old bill was. I called and complained 1 horrible rep after another and finally one rep decides to take charge. What Verizon tried to do is keep my $350 dollars of credits that i have and charged me and extra 1000 for the new phone. So instead of honoring what 2 agents have promised me they are now returning me my old phone that i sent back to them and want the iPhone X back. That right there shows you how bad Verizon treats there customers. I have spent upwards of $3000 to Verizon and just like that they disregarded everything. So now I'm up to find a new cellphone provider. If you have any recommendations please please forward them here!!!