There are two types of successful restaurants in this modern era- the first are the places that understand the need to deliver superior service and food, these places embrace yelp and the like, knowing it's a great way to attract new customers. The other are the long established places that were around long before yelp or any consumer based review and feedback technology. These types of places trade in past glory and the simple principal that most older people are not willing to break their routine and try the unknown.
Jimmys is the later. Having been long established in the area, their average customer age is ancient. These people keep a place like this in business long after the owners have given up on trying to be better. Very cheap daily specials and senior discounts keep them coming in regardless of quality and service.
No one accustomed to receiving a modern quality restaurant experience will be satisfied here. Read the other reviews for details. To the manager who just stands at the cash register all night rather than actually managing the restaurant/. Do us all a favor and please stop asking 'how dinner was' - if you actually cared to know you would be on the floor managing and interacting with your customers.