| - Zero complaints for this establishment!
- The grounds are kept clean. Not even a cigarette butt in sight.
- It's extremely inexpensive, $1 for a coin that gets you 20 pitches, $20 to rent a cage for an hour, $12 for a half hour.
- None of the cages are ever "out of order."
- There are Grills & tables for outdoor parties.
- There's 14 cages that include: Softball Slow Pitch, Softball Fast Pitch, Baseball Slow, Baseball Medium, Baseball Fast.
- If you don't have your own bat, you can use theirs for free!
- The machines pitch consistently. Sometimes you'll get one that's pitching short, which is easily fixed by scooting up in the batters box. Once you're in the right position, the balls will come right to ya.
Hours are M-F 12:00pm - 9:00pm, Sat/Sun 9:00am - 9:00 pm. In December they close at 8:00pm. If you're ever in the mood to hit some balls, this is the place to do it!