| - Rude employees. They treat you as if they are doing you the favor to be there. I own a very Successful Contracting Company. I went there for some wood to build a door and drove 2 hours to get there. Upon checking out, the manager came up and practically yelled at my 73 year old father and I that we didn't lay boards back correctly on the display after we had lifted some boards looking for the straightest ones for our project. Excuse me?? THEN when the employee who was ringing us up noticed he had overcharged us, the I assume, manager told him to charge us the extra price and not the real price for the product because of what "we had done". ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? Not only rude, but poor, poor business. Needless to say, I said I would not pay extra.
Oh! And by the way, my father and I, after getting yelled at, DID walk back to display of alder boards and arranged the few boards just so. Perfectly. A thank you? Nope. People, it was a few boards we had moved to the side!!! Timber hardwoods, have you SEEN Home Depot??? Ugh... never going back. I suggest you yelpers do the same..