Where else can you find fridge magnet dress sets for President Obama AND Sarah Palin side by side? Who else offers beer, bitters and "Before, During and After Sex" breath mints. Where else can you order a microbrew under the watchful eye of Lando Calrissian? Need to pick up another pack of tree tea oil toothpicks or Jesus sticky notes. This is your place. It's the only convenience store/deli/wine bar/pub/coffee shop I've ever been in? There is even an outdoor side area where I suspect smokers can enjoy a cigarette. These guys have raised eclectic funk to an art form. Check it out next time you hit Thomas Street Tavern or The World Famous Penguin and be reminded of how fun life can be. The clientele is as eclectic as the merchandise with a smattering of housewives, punkers, Goths, gays and 20-somethings. It's so encouraging to see such funk and diversity alive and well in button-up CLT! Bravo!