As I was making my way back to the car I stopped into this novelty store. It has a vast array of different type of Steeler and Pirate Tee shirts along with vinyl records. They also sell Trioka shirts as well as skateboards. The owner told me I was welcome to try on the tee shirts in the bathroom for fit. All the Tees I saw were made in the USA and seemed good quality.
Some of them however, looked familiar. I had seen the ones of the old Kennywood racer, Jack Rabbit, and Thunderbolt on my visit to the Heinz history center not too long ago.The same is true with some of the PIttsburgh bridges drawing tees I had seen. He told me that Commonwealth press sells to them. As far as the sports themed merchandise asked about lot of similar styles I've noticed in the Strip District. He told me those shirts in the Strip district are knockoffs.
There were two unique items I was very interested in. First was the "South HILLS" Tee shirt. I emphasize the word Hills because it is a throwback to the famous department store that was once popular in the Pittsburgh area and known for their popcorn machine when you entered. He told me that I was correct and also because their store is located in the South Hills which Mt. Lebanon is part of.
The second thing I was impressed with was the pierogi pillow that is shaped like a real pierogi! He told me those were hand made and machine washable. So I decided to purchase the "Hills" tee and get a pierogi pillow. Sizes are unisex sizes but it helps to try on if you are uncertain. I noticed they sell unique printed cards for various occasions for $4.50. Cards are accepted. This is a nice store with some unique items to it. Prices are on par with most other places I've visited. Great place to visit if you want to look at something different. Their second location in the Southside has closed but they are online and their warehouse is also located in the Southside I was told.