Came here for pre-dinner drinks and apps with my mom, my best friend from high school, and her mom for our annual-ish Thanksgiving time get together. I ordered a caiparainha (yes i know it's spelled wrong), and there were rum drinks, margaritas, and a porter scattered around the table. And we got guac and salsa. Our waitress was attentive at first then once she realized we weren't ordering entrees and more drinks, sorta abandoned us for the table of party girls next to us. That's okay. We were headed to Bravo afterward anyway.
The guac was all right - not anything special - but the plaintain chips were delish, Would I return? Doubtful, seeing as I'm home rarely and there are many other restaurants to try. But I'm glad I gave it a shot - my drink wasn't too sweet, per request, and the guac tasted like what I make at home. But with a bigger price tag.