| - Where do I even start?! I met Casey after becoming a patient at Grant Chiropractic, and was suffering from several debilitating symptoms at the time. After being mis diagnosed by several Drs with MS and Lupus, Dr Dan suggested I meet Casey and try out the Zyto scan to see what was really going on. Right away I felt like a long time friend vs a patient. Casey genuinely cares for each patient and is dedicated to using her incredible knowledge to help you heal for ultimate longterm health. I went in for my zyto scan, completely open minded, but had no idea how accurate it would be! Wow was it accurate!
The zyto scan reads your body and allows your body to communicate what it needs to achieve improved health. It listed areas where my body was deficient or had inflammation, custom supplemental suggestions, an overview of all of my organs and how well they are responding, as well as several other informative readings!
Fast forward a year, I was finally diagnosed correctly by a top Dr and decided to see Casey again for an updated zyto scan since the first one was incredible. As we looked at the results and looked back at my first scan, all we could do was laugh. The zyto scan was 100% accurate with my correct diagnosis and suggested remedies even a year ago that help my condition. The zyto scan was accurately telling me what was wrong even before Drs figured it out!
After witnessing the improvement in my health first hand, my husband quickly got in to see Casey to seek advice for his health concerns.
We love you Casey! Your care, advice, knowledge, and guidance in using natural remedies has changed our lives. Thank you is an incredible understatement, words can't describe how much we appreciate you!