Worst vet experience I ever had. These folks are a perfect example of what is wrong with the state of pet medical care and human health care in the United States. All they want to do is push the costliest treatments and treatment plans, no matter how useless, all in the name of profit. And if you think they will respect your opinion or authority as the actual owner of a pet -- forget it!! "He's making the decisions," the idiot vet yelled as I was taking my cat home after refusing to let them proceed with an operation to remove a bad molar. I told them to remove the molar only as financial realities dictated that be all that is done -- at a cost of more than $500. But they refused to listen and said they would decide if they wanted to remove a canine that was not bothering my cat at all. And when they put me in the room with the Vet, Jack Thomas or Thompson, they guy looked and acted like a steroid-abusing meathead who foolishly attempted to intimidate me into doing as he wanted. Screw that! And screw the Pet Medical Center located near Sahara and Ft. Apache in Las Vegas. If you want to be treated like crap while paying the maximum for procedures that are not necessary, be my guest. Intelligent folk will go elsewhere.