I have been ordering cakes from here for 3 years now and for the first two years the cakes were amazing and they were at a really great price they gave me no hassle and they made the cakes beautifully in the last year or so I'm not sure if they changed management someone else took over butt the service and the prices have changed the prices have gone up and they offer you less this last time was the last straw I will no longer order a cake from them I went in and I ask to make a cake a simple marble cake with strawberry feeling and strawberries on top of the cake they told me if I wanted to have strawberries on the cake I would have to bring in my own strawberries if I'm going 2 Bakery to have a cake made and I'm paying over $100 4 a cake why do I have to bring in my own strawberries that's ridiculous. And the crazy part is I ordered this exact same cake 2 months prior in October I will no longer go here I have bought probably over 20 cakes from here before but the way Bakery is being ran now sucks