When it comes to Boulevard at 4201 I highly recommend doing your homework. For me, this place was just a temporary home till I saved up and found a house (i was only here for a year). As for my place at BLVD @ 4201, I really got lucky. I didn't have many issues with my apartment since the last tenet pretty much trashed the place causing management to clean the place up for me and replace the A/C unit outside. Also one of the staff maintenance guys lived on the third floor and would say any time I saw him in passing "if you ever need any help, let me know". So my experience here wasn't as much of a disaster compared to others who have reviewed this place.
As for the other reviews bellow, I won't argue with them (a good number of them I believe). There is only one area in the complex you can throw your trash out (which wasn't an issue for me since I have a dog. Saw this as he's nightly walk time while taking the trash out ) and management can be rude at times as well (no matter how nice and friendly you are to them). Management is also bad in informing residence of fire inspections in a timely manor. Notices would show up at my door at the last minute stating the fire department would be coming in the next day to inspect (even the maintenance guy who lived above me mention once how management dropped the ball in notifying everyone properly of this)
My recommendation if you have the time to look at other places, use it to look at other possibilities. I was under a tight schedule and needs to place ASAP. This place was affordable ($800 + utilities for a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom, keep in mind they have probably increased the price now) and in a somewhat safe location compared to others I'd looked at (the property is gated off with security patrolling at night and located right next to a retirement home).
But if you're in a time crunch (like I was) my recommendation would be to get a place on the second floor not the first (like any place here in Vegas there are going to be bugs and they're always going to try to get inside). I didn't really have this problem living on the second floor. And don't get a place right next to community dumpster. Like i said there's only one location on site and reeks (especially in the summer with the heat)