The Best Gym Ever! If you get the full membership it's like your rich girlfriend gives you the keys to her house and says "here go work out in my personal gym anytime" so you go and it has dark hardwood floors, nice curtains, homey plants, tea mugs and tea for you if you'd like, and a great little personal gym. Time it right and you work out alone most times. If someone shows up both parties nod and smile and just get on with your workout. The bathroom, shower change area is like your rich girlfriends too! It's pretty and has soap, hand cream, baby powder, a blow dryer and hairspray and other stuff you'd expect to find in your girlfriends washroom. And lovely towels of various sizes. And in the bathroom is a lovely basket of tampons just in case! Tampons, ladies!! They've forgotten nothing! This gym is your best girlfriend! She tells you you look great as you are but why not fit a work out in and feel great for hours after! The tampons are in those cute coloured wrappers by the way so it just looks like a basket of candy sticks. I don't go to the classes because evening isn't the best time for me but they're there if I want them.