| - Wow. Just wow. Tremendous thanks and praise especially to secret superhero Rob, as well as Sabino, Dave, Mike, Davidangelo, Dan, Chris and everyone at Arizona RV Service.
How does one RV place in a state full of RV places get to name themselves after the state? By being THAT good.
I called from several states and several weeks away about getting my AC replaced because the places I was calling were booked up and it was time for my road trip to start. I arrived at 9 the morning of my appointment and they were done putting on a completely new unit by 4 pm.
Over the weekend, the refrigerator failed. (I think it got jealous that I got a new cold-making machine in my life.) I was still in the area, so of course I went back. They did everything they could to try to revitalize my 21-year old fridge, but 4 RV specialists with well over 100 years of experience between them, plus an overnighted part and a call to the manufacturer, couldn't save it. At which point, Dave worked with me on the numbers for a new fridge and Rob did an amazing job of refitting my vehicle for the new unit.
But that's not what really makes this place great. What makes this place great is the feel. You can tell they are a team that has worked together for a long time, and that new folk are quickly incorporated into the fold (I don't think you'd last long here if you don't have the chops.) It's a place with a real old-school small business feel. There's light-hearted chiding and joking, but these folks are serious about their craft. There's a grill on the porch, and I can imagine them flipping burgers on a Friday afternoon.
While I was waiting for parts and the work to be do, and even when the work was done but it was the end of the day, they set me up with a place to stay onsite (with electric, to use that brand new air conditioner). And the porch is a great quiet, shady place to enjoy the southern Arizona breeze.
And what's more, I never once felt side-eyed or condescended to. I got appropriately through explanations of everything they did, and the entire time, I was treated with respect and friendliness. That shouldn't be a big deal, but as a visibly queer and genderqueer person, it's invaluable.
The next time something goes wrong with my RV, I hope it's near Mesa, so I can visit my favorite AZ RV resort ... I mean, repair place.