| - Soooo NOT going back to the Original Mattress Factory! I bought my last mattress there. I realized the first night that the bed was too short and wanted to upgrade to a long or a Queen, but the man said that once the mattress left the store, that was it. The mattress could not be returned unless it was defective.
Ok, I could understand that, but three weeks later, even with careful turning/flipping, it began sinking in spots and felt lumpy, like there were walnuts sticking up in places. It was their next to lowest priced mattress, but still, it was just a few weeks old. The man acted like I was making it up. Said it was a "body cavity" so therefore not covered by the warranty.
And he said this without even seeing or feeling it!
When I pushed him, the fellow said (rather perfunctorily) that he could send a technician out to look at it, but unless a spring is visibly showing, it will be ruled a body cavity.
Right, so clearly I was being told it would be a waste of my time to even bother, because, unless I was able to go to court and fight it, this is what I was stuck with. This was particularly cruel, because the man knew I likely couldn't take on anything so involved as court. ...What he, and the top banana backing him up didn't know or consider, were the connections that seemingly helpless people of reversed fortunes sometimes have; the potential customers that can be lost when a business treats someone poorly. Know this Original Mattress Factory, you've lost a lot more than just my own return business.