| - Terrible.
Absolutely one of the worst meals I've ever had.
I ordered pot pie and it was disgusting. Vegetables that were obviously frozen, tasteless chicken, sauce that was gross, and a worthless crust that was made to be fraudulently "flaky" and yet robbed itself of any flavor. Horrible. Mind blowingly horrible.
The service was terrible. The didn't really explain my option well, seemed annoyed that we were there, and didn't greet us or thank us. I didn't feel welcome at all.
The place was FILTHY. There wasn't a single clean table in the entire place. I'm not talking about crumbs, I mean that there were used napkins and dishes on the tables. They stayed there until after we left. When I tried to clear my own dishes after we chocked down their disgusting food, one of the ladies there all but yelled at me that she needed to take care of it and not me. I kind of rolled my eyes at that.
They don't do themselves any favors with their prices.
Their pop was flat. Also, I was annoyed by their nannying of me and the other customers by refusing to put out salt on the tables and making everyone ask to have a salt shaker. In the place of the salt shaker, they put a condescending note in its place saying they were looking out for our health. I can look out for my own health, thanks.
I will never eat here again. Literally, I would rather choke down sardines in the bathroom of Wal-Mart than subject myself to this place ever again.