There isn't a Tod's store in Michigan and I had an upcoming trip to Las Vegas so I knew this was my chance to experience this brand outside of the world wide web. I already knew which bag I wanted, it was a matter of selecting size and color. I am very passionate about purses and small leather goods. They're kind of my thing.
I called ahead to see if they had what I wanted in stock. Josh (who is amazing) took may call and brought me up to speed. I've bought shoes and a few purses at Saks before, so I was familiar with the lovely quality of the brand.
The store is so delicious looking. All the colors and the placement of everything was spot on. When I got there he showed me a few things and helped me decide what size purse worked for me. I was offered a beverage while I looked at everything. The color I wanted wasn't in stock at that store. I think there were only about 4 within the company at this point. Josh located one and had it shipped to my house via FedEx.
The leather of their bags makes them easily useable. You're not worried about actually using their bags. I plan on keeping my contact in Las Vegas instead of buying online :)