An extra star for this place not being packed to the gills Saturday night and the amazing great service.
Sapporo on tap? I'll take it. Not a huge fan of Sapporo the beer but I loved the city and somehow I always find myself ordering it if found on a menu and tap. Sapporo the city is the Pacific Northwest of East Asia. A beautiful, sane modern city. I guess some guys select beer based on subconscious associations with lingerie bowls or Swedish bikini teams. I choose a beer that reminds me deep down of good urban planning.
I can't speak for the food as I had padded myself with 3 hot dogs before an impromptu meet up with Jennifer K and Wayne C. Prices, however, did not seem obnoxious and there was a great grand opening discount that ends in at the end of April 2011. (Hurry hurry.)