Never Ever take your dog here to be groomed!!! This is going to be long sorry, but seriously I made the mistake of coming here too many times!!
Okay so I have brought my dog here a handful of times and only twice has he come home okay. You think I would have learned my lesson but turns out it took awhile. The first time I brought him here he had a reaction to the shampoo and developed hot spots which can be hard to get rid of. They won't care for your animal if they have hot spots. So when I finally brought him back in again we all agreed to use the hypo shampoo that had no scent etc. Went and got him and he was perfectly fine so I figured okay problem solved. So I took him again and this time when they brought him out (mind you he now hates going to the groomers and I couldn't figure out why*more on that later*) and he practically jumped the door to get out. It was a mad house so I took him and left. Once I got home I realized that wait this isn't his collar?? So I called and they have no recollection of me or his collar. Wait no recollection of me/my dog/ or his collar that had his NAME on it with his rabies tag and name tag?? So I had to shell out money to replace those and he had another reaction to being there. I make another appointment for a bath and to have him shaved and the girl on the phone didn't add the shaved part so when I show up they tell me sorry he's only scheduled for a bath we can't help you with the other. So he has a bath and he seems to be okay. He still hates going there but I chalk it up to just my bad luck. Nope... no that is just not the case. I make one final appointment to get him bathed and Shaved because I haven't found a new groomer that doesn't cost more than it costs me to have my hair done yet other than Petsmart that's in my area and we're going on vacation. I take him in and they do their check and deem him good to go, so I leave him there at 10am. I get a call at noon saying we just did a check and discovered a spot and took him to banfield to have it checked out. They said they could give him a bath but not shave him. I asked if they could at least scissor cut him because he desperately needs a hair cut and his hot spot isn't going to heal well if it can't get air... they said no. Fine whatever it's your policy I will let that go however I want to know why it is noon and you are just NOW checking my dog again?? I'm seriously mad that he was crated for 2 hours before someone decided to touch him!! I get there to pick him up and he's visibly upset and wants out of there as fast as possible. They pull his collar for me to hook his lead and what do you know that's not his collar. It's a dirty orange collar (my dog had a fairly new black choke collar). So I said to them calmly but not nicely that's not his collar. They all stopped and stood looking at me with this shocked dumbfounded look. The woman was like well this is collar that was in his cage it must be his. The girl who checked him in actually said yeah that's the one that was put in his cage with him. So they go back there searching... girl who checked him in comes back and says you know actually I don't think he had a collar on when you brought him in. I'm sorry say what?? I got mad but again said calmly this is the SECOND time you have lost his collar and I stood there not moving. They all stared for awhile longer until the girl finally said well I can note it in the account and we can replace the collar right now. Oh okay good so we go and I show her what he had on and said that his was black. She picks up a red one. She fit him for it and said okay but I found a black one and handed it to her (if you're going to replace something you should replace it with the same thing). She goes and tells the store manager so they can take the sensor off and write it off and he's dumbfounded as to how they lost a collar, comes up to me and says sorry about that we've had issues with collars disappearing lately. The girl has the nerve to laugh and say yeah they're kind of like socks around here.
So wait let me get this straight you bring him out terrified in the wrong collar... pretty much accuse me of lying about it not being his collar, then accuse me of lying saying he didn't have one when he came in... and NOW you're telling me this happens regularly??? Nope NEVER coming back here again. I will drive out to Indian Trail to take him to his old groomer before I will bring him back here again. OH and FYI the reason he kept having a reaction to the shampoo is because they weren't washing it all out!!! Discovered that as well. All the dogs I saw there Sat looked terrified and were crying... seriously you would have thought it was a shelter!! I suggest staying as far away as possible to the Pet Smart Groomers on Rea Rd across from Blakeney!!!