Charles T. You must have lucked up. Now I
am at the Phoenix VA. Today alone I have gone to the choice program, patient care advocate, privacy
Office and have been waiting an eye specialist consult from my primary care doctor. This has been going on for 6 weeks!!! The open door policy of the Director, never works.
They have made so many policy changes and you ,
the patient is last to know. According to the privacy
policy last week they changed time to submit from
60 days to 30 days. That gross violation of privacy happened in mid July.
I am not a quitter and will bring this to an accountable individual. Linda L
New update spent all day and got the run around.
This VA brags about its new parking garage. Take care of my medical needs! This is so dysfunctional
It is pathetic. I want to see the Director. I will get the medical care I deserve after 100% combat service connection and 28 years in the US Army