2 stars because I really did like the eye doctor I saw, she was awsome.
Thought I was off to a good start getting new glasses. I picked out my frames while I waited to be taken care of.
Oh...wait...the eye glass gods had something else in store for me.
The person helping me couldn't get an authorization code from my insurance company because it was afterhours. He actually told me I had to pay full price or come back tomorrow. Now keep in mind that I have had this insurance forever, never had any problems before; after hours, weekends, etc. So I used my cell and called the insurance company. I get someone on the phone who is trying to help us. I put eyemaster guy on the phone and he actually got into a fight with the woman on the phone, handed it back to me and said here you talk to her, I'm done.
So the lady got me the authorization code and a explaination that this doesn't happen because most eye glass providers can take care of everything in spite of the insurance company being closed and she also asked me if I was sure I shouldn't switch eyemaster locations due to this guys behavior.
But I thought I was done. I have my glasses picked out and I needed them to drive. So while she was talking to me the guy at eyemasters was throwing out insults loud enough that the lady could hear.
So I lost 1/2 hour of my time and think the worst is over
Well...those darn eye glass gods...I can't get them in an hour because it was too late in the day the guy tells me. He has the right lens and it was only 6:00 pm, come back tomorrow.
So I called today and was told 1/2 hour and they will be ready. I drive over there on my lunch hour and guess what. They aren't even close to being ready. So I walk around the mall, come back and guess what, only 1 pair is ready. That would normally be ok but the attitude of the two guys working is arrogant and not very customer friendly. I laugh it off and leave.
So what are the odds I'll get my glasses after work today??? One can only wonder. Awful service, unprofessional and unpleasant to experience.