Ever been to IKEA on a Sunday afternoon? Don't. You'll want to shoot yourself before trying that again. But the mega-mall atmosphere aside (one more thing: the parking lot is a free-for-all. People fly around through these rows acting like they own the place. The Swedish called, speeders: you ain't getting this discount Euro Modern screw-together goodness!) this is a pretty nice spot. Sure, it's like 70 million square feet and the bookcases are named Billy, but come on, you can find some good quality stuff here for great prices. Roche Boibos it ain't. But that's why you come here -- it's affordable, it looks decent and it comes in a nifty box you can put in back of your minivan. And did I mention the breakfast for less than $2? The eggs are kind of rubbery and I'm pretty sure the bacon isn't really bacon, but somehow it tastes damn good. Get there early and skip the dreaded lunch rush for those salty meatballs.