Why bother with a review.
Flew in and found my TSA lock was missing. ???
No form inside indicating a search. Nothing was missing from inside. BUT someone stole my TSA lock. Why? Who steals a locked TSA lock?
I checked Craigslist in Vegas and my home to see if there was a market for TSA locks, NOPE. So now I get to buy another one. Makes no sense.
Going through security in the way out of Vegas is just retarded.
Stop the entire scanner line to pat down one persons for several minutes. SOLUTION, move them to the side.
Yell at people to not leave their items unattended on the X-ray belt, but the line for the scanner is now 20feet behind them.
Yell at people because their feet are not PERFECTLY on the yellow footprints in the scanner. And I mean it had to be perfect.
Tell a guy to pull up his pants in the scanner. WHY, the machine can't read you if your pants hang down a bit because, you know, YOU MADE ME TAKE OFF MY BELT!!
Hold up the scanner line because one lady didn't have her arms above her head EXACTLY like the display. It was close but not PERFECT, but asshole TSA has to be a dick and make it perfect and hold up EVERYONE. Fucker.
And Southwest Airlines, fuck you. I have TSA Pre check, but you never put it on my boarding pass. FUCK YOU TOO.