I pulled in around 2pm yesterday after debating whether to go to Purrfect Auto and take them up on their $9.99 smog check, but went with this place due to bad reviews on the competition. I pulled up to the little hut that had two parking spaces devoted to the service and the guy came out who was really nice. I popped the hood and he said it would take about 5 minutes. True as his word it took about 5 minutes. He plugged in some wires to my fuse box to get the cars info, started up the car and he was done. No gimmicks or having me wait a long time to get the work done. I showed him the coupon as he was doing the service and he told me it would be $15.99 with cash and $16.99 with credit card. The surcharge didn't bother me because the service was hassle free and the company actually printed new coupons charging $17.99 for the service. Will definitely go back!