| - When a coworker heard I was going to Madison, he told me that I HAD to go to Himal Chuli. I made him write it down because I had no idea what he was saying. He said he ate there at least 5 times a week; he must not have known how to cook. Went there for lunch around 2:30 with my boyfriend after a failed attempt to go see a screening of My Neighbor Totoro put on by the Cinematheque, and there were tons of open tables. The space is so tiny; I can't imagine it during a lunch rush.
Our Warby-Parker bespectacled waiter materialized almost instantly with waters after telling us we could sit anywhere. The water tasted kind of fruity, and I didn't figure out until later, when they were refilled, that it had been infused with lemon and cilantro. We looked over the menu and decided to share an order of chicken momocha, and the roti/tarkari combo. The momochas were reminiscent of the dumplings my mom makes, but with hot salsa to dip it in. Our entree came with a bowl of dal, which is a mixed bean soup that is so simple, but just the best. The humble bean was transformed into a transcendental soup. The saag tarkari was comparable to the Indian saag, but without the dairy component.
Overall, the meal was simple yet hearty. I was reminded of how humbly the other half lives, and how hunger is the best sauce.