I gave them the benefit of the doubt and got burned by this business again. I took down my original review that spoke of the trouble I was having getting my bedroom set I purchased from this furniture store. I was lied to by the saleman regarding the delivery date, he said 1 week, so far it has been 5. So, I decided maybe he was new or it was an honest mistake. So I deleted the post.
That post was 4 weeks ago and I still don't have the complete set I purchased. I am still missing my actual bed, the most important part of the room. Now it finally did come in today to the store but they didn't follow my request to call me on my cell phone. Instead they left a message at my home at 10 this morning. I just checked and got the message. I called the store to be told that even though I have had all this trouble they didn't hold a spot for me to rec'v this mythical bed and rudely told me that the earliest I would be able to get it is next Thursday. My bed is sitting in their store and I won't see it for another week. Seriously!
I will never grace the doors of their establishment again, I am soooooo, ughhhhhhh!!!!!
(ps, I hate writing an all negative review, but this is really unacceptable)