In & Out Tire & Auto shame on you for trying to rip me off today. Thank goodness my woman's intuition kicked in and I hightailed it out of your establishment!
I showed you the tire that needed repair, which had a nail in it. Then you proceeded to tell me that it can not be fixed and I needed a new tire. You quoted me over $100!!
I handed over you my keys to you and you told me that it would be a one hour wait. I sat in your dirty waiting room and thought about this a bit longer. I didn't feel comfortable about the whole ordeal and changed my mind, while trying to leave your establishment; I asked you for my keys. You hesitated in giving them to me and told me that I needed to give you my tire first.
My experience that I felt your place of business was very unprofessional and extremely unsettling! Creepy is another word for it!!
I placed a call to a friend for help and they told me to go to DISCOUNT TIRES and OMG what an amazing experience I had there!!!!! They fixed my tire...I did not need a new one!!!! The most amazing part of it... was that IT WAS FREE Discount Tires IS THE PLACE TO GO!!!! Not RIP OFF IN & OUT TIRE & REPAIR!