On average, I eat here about once a week (it adds up), and the last time I ordered for delivery, I asked my friend to run outside to pick it up for me as I was busy, and the delivery man (Jeff) pressured her into tipping!!! So, reluctantly, she offered a three dollar tip (as if $12.70 for two mediocre sandwiches was not enough) bringing our price up to to a hefty $17.76 in total (I know it doesn't add up because when I finished on the phone he did not include tax when he added it up.) On top of all of this "incredible" service, he never gave us a time frame on when it was going to be delivered!!! And when he asked where it should be delivered to, I gave him a public place with the cross streets and he had a sassy response of "good thing I know the address". I'm going to end here because no one likes reading a small novel before they visit a restaurant, so if you want some decent sandwiches with some not so decent prices and even less decent service, consider JJ's...