Yes it's a little expensive. They'll try to upsell you. But of course they're more expensive than Amazon, but look at their locations. inside miracle mile and other hotels in Vegas. They have a higher ovrrhead than amazonThey cater to the tourist and convention goers.
I'm very hard on my chargers and it's not uncommon for me to break and kill the charges on the battery chargers including Morphie brands in less than a year..With these ones, I just return them for exchange as they break on me as long as I have my receipt. Lifetime for as long as I have the power case, my receipt and as long as the company is in business. So it pays off.
Worry free and stress free exchange, if I am in town, I just it with me or I just call them and ship it to them. They mail the replacement as soon as they receive the item. I only had on person in the miracle mile that kind of gave me an attitude for return. So now I just look for Orel, and would go to the location he is station for the day. I only buy and do exchanges from. him.