Lots of hype but disappointing.
This place bills itself as the purveyor of World Class Biryani. Those of us from the sub continent may beg to disagree.
My biryani was a wolf in sheep's clothing!
Much like French Champagne, the word biryani is related to a culinary delight that most foodies with a sub continent experience will immediately recognize in the first bite. The biryani I got was a very shallow imposter of the real McCoy. I admit that customers with limited knowledge of what biryani actually is, might question my point of view. That's fine and good. But if eating real biryani is your goal, the stuff you get here will not do the job. It would be akin to calling Prosecco champagne.
Mon Dieu!!! This is a tragedy.
All the same the folks here are good people and try their best. But trying your best is not enough if you intend to pass rice mixed with something resembling spinach as biryani.