EDIT: Okay, they're open again. Delivery guy said they all went on holiday that time. Still, it'd be nice to set up an answering machine that just says so, or at least put it on their website or Facebook page.
It's expensive for pizza but it's very good, very filling pizza. Not your typical Montreal pizza. Would recommend.
(Previous review)
The pizza is fantastic, but we tried to order from there again last weekend and the phone just rang and rang (this was in the early evening, on a Saturday night). No answering machine to say they were closed, nothing on their website or Facebook page. Who just closes up like that in the middle of summer without *any* notice on any medium of communication? Is that any way to run a business?
I'll probably order from here again when and if they reopen, because the pizza really was that good, but I'm pretty put off by this.