| - This specific location simply broke my heart. In the world of a run down Veterinary assistant , I'm well aware that not every single animal can be saved from harm or even an unexpected death. As someone who has also worked int the retail industry for over 12 yrs. , I also understand that you can't be everywhere at once- there's only one you. But what I found so disturbing about my visit (06/16/14) was that the sounds of multiple screeching birds is routinely ignored.
As I was wandering around the garden center in search of screening, I passed by the unmistakable chain link fence we all know so well. Large rolls of it were stacked against a shelving unit & it just so happens that bird carcasses adored almost all of the rolls. :(.... I thought at first " Okay, I just got off of a long shift at work...even with my glasses on I still don't see clearly...Wow, am I really seeing this"?
Upon closer inspection, it appears that somehow tiny little sparrows have entwined their frail bodies into the fencing with no escape. And there before my eyes, were birds that had clearly passed away from starvation, heat stroke, and neglect. I fail to understand how associates could not hear birds calling out at the top of their lungs. It's not like they play music in the garden section or that anyone was really there at all.
The worst part about this was when I went to pay, I didn't know how to tell the cashier ( not only was I sad but imagine a small child seeing a bunch of dead birds...) so I tried in the most polite way possible. She was nice but she informed me that she already knew & there was nothing she felt could be done. That there was no way to get them out- you have a world of tools at your feet & you can't figure it out?!?! You've got to be kidding me! Not only is it cruel but also, a lot of birds carry diseases so for sanitation purposed alone they should be removed. She then said something to another coworker named Matt who also said he was aware but gave me the "What could be done" pitch.
For starters, if this is a continuous problem each year- why wouldn't you ask management if you could encase the rolls of fencing in plastic. This way the birds couldn't wedge their bodies inside because the way in would be blocked. Its a simple & easy solution- just say'in. I would hate to have to explain this to a child or get sick because I contacted a zoonotic disease or se one struggling (because I would totally get kicked out of the store for cutting the fence with wire cutters & saving it). Can't say I wont return but I definitely will avoid Lowe's in general at all cost.