| - Only went to this vet because it was close. Did no research, just looked to see what was the closest and boom, that's where I'm going.
Rarely have I felt so lucky.
It is rare that one gets to meet a person like Dr. Ron. From the moment I met him, seeing how he treated my cat and myself, informative, expert, yet warm and understanding, I knew he was different than all the other vets I've dealt with over the years (I'm looking at YOU Animal Hospital of High Park... UGH).
My cat was 14 years old and a raccoon had found its way into our house, by the time we got it out, it had managed to infect her with a brutal flea problem. Dr. Ron quickly assessed the problem, showed us an ingenious way of quickly testing the cat to see if she still had fleas, and administered the appropriate medication to fix the issue.
A few months later I noticed a bump on her jaw. As she was getting old and losing teeth I assumed it was an infected tooth issue, so I took her in.
Turns out it was cancer. A tumor. Dr. Ron explained in GREAT detail what we were dealing with, our options, our time frame, everything. Over the 3 months that she lasted he was always there when we needed him, as was the entire staff, and the other vet here (I'm sorry I can't remember her name) to ensure my kitty was well medicated, taken care of, pain-free, and enjoying the time she had left on this earth.
This week the time came to finally put her to sleep. Dr. Ron as always was the peak of professionalism, laying out our options, explaining what was about to happen, and even arranging it so we could take care of all paper work and payments up front, so that when she passed away, we could spend as much time with her alone as we wanted, and when we were done we could just walk out and not have to talk to anyone or deal with any paper work. Small touch but it showed a deep understanding.
Now here's the thing that my be perceived as a good OR a bad thing, but when the time came to give her an injection to put her down, my wife and I were just a hot mess. I held her head in my hands as they gave her the injection and it speaks volumes about the care in which they handle their animals that even though two people were holding her down and giving her a big needle, she was purring the whole time, looking up at me. Gentle and professional.
However when it was time to say goodbye, and he stuck his hand out to shake mine and express his condolences as he quickly made his way out the door to give us alone time to say goodbye, I was overcome by the fact he was deeply in tears and visibly upset.
I understand some people want their funeral directors and doctors, etc to be the epitome of stability, a rock in tumultuous times.
Hell I just assume you can't DO this job unless you can turn that kind of thing RIGHT off.
But for me? It meant so much, and said so much, to see him express such emotion at a time when I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I think he is just a sensitive, caring, wonderful man who could not help but show the appropriate emotional response to an incredibly sad moment.
I will forever be grateful to him and his staff and how they treated us and our pet. I can't say I will ever be ready to get another pet, but if I were to, I would drive hours if need be to ensure that Downsview Veterinary Hospital was the place they were taken care of.
This is the longest review I've ever written, holy hell. I can't help it. Just blown away by these people.