| - The location has great grounds, especially with the no pets rule making it quiet and clean. The downside is the management and office team. They do not answer phones, they don't return messages and their maintenance team is despicable. I travel a lot, and the ability to make a payment over the phone was very attractive. However, when you call, it either goes to voicemail or to an answering service. When you leave a message, they never call back, even when you tell them you are trying to pay her for the rent. Of course, they are more than willing to nail you with the late fees.
When we moved in, everything was great. However, we ended up eventually with no hot water. The management team did absolutely nothing to fix it, saying that we had no how water because we were using it up to quickly, then it was the fact that we were not using the heater while we were showering, and that you need to have the heater running when you shower. That is great news for those living in Vegas during the summer.
Anyhow, the management team is horrible, and I would never recommend this place to anyone.