This will focus just on the coffee - Yesterday I had a latte from here that was a whole new experience. I travel weekly for work and checkout America's best cafes (literally, they have trophies from events like Coffee Fest saying they are the best) and this latte, man-o-man. The very texture of the milk was outstanding. Simply outstanding. I came back after a linch at the Merigold and had a latte again with a different blend of espresso. The second blend had a floral lemon flavor to it. Usually I HATE lemon profiles in my coffee/dairy, but this was totally rocking my world. I did notice that the acidity took away the foam on my latte much fast (how strange). Oh they also have Trevor G on staff who took Top Eight (if my memory serves me right) in the 2015 United States Barista Championship. Pretty awesome resource to have at a cafe.